Lithuanian honey
It is a product made from Lithuanian plants like trees, meadows and uphill grasses nectar; rich in dissolved flavorings ( essential oils), active minerals, plant-based acids and vitamins. Pollens, which are incorporated into honeycombs, enhances plant protein.
(DNA in the form of bleached derivatives). Honey that is removed from the hives, is characterized by seasonality. Spring honey, which consists of the first spring-blossoms’ nectar bases, is rich in minerals with ultraviolet sunlight plant-based bioactivators that awaken the nature. Summer honey – honey from nectare from mature plants, especially tree blossoms that are abundant in minerals. In the case of a hotter and wetter summer, trees give off active sugary by-products from bio-synthesis. When mixed with the nectar of the blossoms, it creates a honey of a golden-green colour plateau with distinctive taste. If honeydew is extracted from oaks, the honey colour becomes darker due to the expansion of medicinal tannins. Honeydew can be extracted by three specias of trees: linden, fir and oak. Ultimately, honey season ends with the end of the summer honey. It is usually collected either from buckwheat or heather, typically has dark-brown shade and is rich in sophisticated structure sugars. It is in the interest of honey lowers, who have hormonal systems’ problems.